Payment Import is able to convert excel files to Invoices in Business Central. Each Platform may have multiple configuration that defines how the import files convert to Invoices. To get started, we first go to the Payment import Platform.

Step-by-step guide

Press "New" to create a new configuration. Type in the "Platform Code" and "No.". When that is done we will go into another page to continue the config setup.

On the page, Press the "Menu Button" and choose the platform that have just been created.

On the page, Press "Action" -> "Payment Import Configuration"

There are a few sections in the Configuration page.
In the General Section, the "Platform Code" and "No." is shown. Also, when the "Auto Post" feature is turned on, Invoices created will be automatically posted.

In the Import Master Setup section, the following fields can be amended:

  • "Import to Customer": This field should be filled with the intended Customer No. that the import should be related to. When records are being imported, it will search for Sales Orders with this Customer to create the associated Invoice.
  • "Parsing Logic": Different logics are implemented by the module's creator. E.g. Some platforms include monetary payments in their payment import fields and is treated differently besides creating invoices (Transactions are created in the cash receipt journal in this case).
  • "First Row Id": The first row where the data begins.
  • "Location Code": Select the location to fulfill shipments that are ship by Amazon/ other parties.

The next step for configuring the Excel Config will be split between different logics.

Payment Import - Setup (Logic: Amazon with FBA)

Payment Import - Setup (Logic: Shipment matching with Sub-Order Id)