1. Series Code
  2. Series Line
  3. Series Relationships
  4. Default / Manual No.
  5. Sales & Receivable (Set Customer No. Series)
  6. Purchase & Payable (Set Vendor No. Series)
  7. Marketing Setup (Set Contact No. Series
  8. Journal Batch (Set default no. series for the journal batch)

Series Relationships

Step-by-step guide

Go to no. series list

  1. Select M-CUST
  2. Select Action Menu
  3. Select Navigate
  4. Select Relations
  5. Enter the No. Series Code for M-Cust-FR into the new line.

Case handling for Trio Quotation No. Series

Trio Case

The number structure for quotation no. is prefix QE + Year + digit for the month + running number

The digit for the month is start form A for Jan, B for Feb and so on.

The running no. to be start from 0001 through out the year.  for example, the last no. for Jan 2021 is QE2021A0010, the first no. of Feb 2021 is QE2021B0011. 

Handling as below

  1. No. Series – can use the Warring No. setup for prompt message to user when the number for the month near to close.