There should be 1 setup configuration for each e-commerce platform.

Step-by-step guide

Platform Code is used to denote which platform this setting refers to.

e.g. Shopify, Shipstation, etc.

Different settings can be applied to different platforms.

When this configuration is turned on, items will use the Ecommerce Item table to cross reference between the internal Item No. in Business Central and Item SKU from various platforms.

 SO Creation Method:
  • No. Series: Sales Order creation will use the No. Series in the "Sales Order No. Series" field for Sales Order No.
  • Prefix with Date (Per day): Sales Order creation will use the field "SO Prefix" combined with current day as Sales Order No.

Platform Customer Code:

  • Each Platform will have it's own Platform Customer Code which points to a Customer No. within Business Central. When Sales Orders are created, it will refer to that particular Customer No. and its Location code.