This is the step-by-step detail guide with screenshots to setup for LUSH POS. (Last update 13 Jun 2024)

Step-by-step guide

We recommend to install POS in non-administrator user for security.

Step 1) Download Setup files

Download the setup files at at Download folder. Then extract the zip file.

Contents inside the zip:

Step 2) Install Business Central

1) Go to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\LUSH_POS_Installation\LUSH_POS_Installation\POS\BC 365 Wave2. Then copy to e.g. Download folder and shorten the folder name. (Avoid filepath too long error during extraction)

2) Click setup.exe at the folder

3) Select “Advanced installation options” then select “Developer”.

4) Click "Apply". The instance name is "BC230" by default.


You can save the installation parameters as xml file if you need to setup multiple POS.

5) Wait for finish


If the progress bar stuck for a while, click it to reload.

Step 3) Open BC Web UI

1) Go to “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”, then click “BC230” (the instance name at step2.4) > Browse *:8080 (http).

2) BC Web UI open successfully (e.g. http://localhttp://localhost:8080/BC230/host:8080/BC230/)

Step 4) Restore Database for Lush POS

As the BC instance set up in step (3) links to the default Demo database, we are going import the Lush's POS DB.

1) Check Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SQL Studio) whether installed on the computer or not. If not, refer to appendix (1) for MS SQL Server Management Studio Installation

2) Open SQL Studio

3) Login to database at localhost.

  • Server name: *no need to change, it takes the computer name automatically.
  • Remember to put a check on the checkbox to trust server certificate.

4) Go to "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\LUSH_POS_Installation\LUSH_POS_Installation\POS\".

5) Copy the DB file Lush_LSBC.bak to "C:\tmp" to avoid permission deny error in the following import DB procedures.

Copy Lush_LSBC.bak

Paste DB at C:\tmp

6) Switch to SQL Studio then restore database. Click "Database" and right-click at left-side menu.

7) Click "Device" then the three-dots button

8) Click "Add" then fill the filepath "C:\tmp\Lush_LSBC.bak" (same at 5 the DB pasted path).

9) Then click OK to restore DB.


If you cannot access due to permission, restore the DB at "C:\", instead of under the current user. 

Step 5) Switch to Lush POS DB to the BC Instance

1) At start menu, select “Business Central Administration Shell” with right click “Run as administrator”.

2) Type command


3) Stop the instance (e.g. BC230 instance)

Stop-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance BC230

4) Go to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to check the LS Central database. We use Lush_LSBC

5) Type the command in BC Administration Shell to update BC230 instance configuration to link the Lush_LSBC database. Then restart the instance to take effect.

Set-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance BC230 -KeyName DatabaseName -KeyValue Lush_LSBC
### For two POSs till setting, the secondary till database server should point to primary till database server
## Set-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance BC230 -KeyName DatabaseServer -KeyValue <IP_OF_THE_PRIMARY_TILL>
Restart-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance BC230


If access denied, please delete BC all user using the following SQL syntax in SQL Studio

DELETE FROM [dbo].[User]
DELETE FROM [dbo].[Access Control]
DELETE FROM [dbo].[User Property]

6) Go to http://localhost:8080/BC230/. The company should be "LUSH Asia Limited - Rebuild"


If keep failed to open the web UI, clear cookie and browsing data on the browser (or use private mode).

7) Add retail user with current Windows username.

1) Search "Retail User" in BC. Then click "New"

2) Fill the following fields


*current Windows Username

POS Suer User
Store No.
Location Code
POS Terminal

8) Click the magnifier icon, search "Run POS"


If dual-display windows not shown, please allow to pop-up for browser.


Step 6) LS AppShell Setup

LS AppShell allows user to use the POS in full screen mode.

1) Go to Microsoft Store then search “LS Central AppShell” then install.

2) Open LS AppShell. Then click three-dots button > Edit at AppShell to map Lush POS interface at Settings.

3) Click gear icon to edit the URL

4) Set the parameters as followings:

  • Host Name: localhost
  • Port: 8080
  • Environment Name: BC230 (The BC instance)
  • Company: Lush_DEV
  • Page: 99008880


    You may open the Business Central on the browser. Check the URL to find the environment name and company.

5) Empty Login Settings for Windows user login

6) Scroll down, and click “Run Web Client”. The LUSH POS interface appears.


The POS will pop up "Cannot connect to Hardware Station" and "Dual Display cannot open".
Soultion for "Cannot connect to Hardware Station"

Solution for "Dual Display cannot open"

Step 7) Install and Setup Hardware Station

Hardware Station (HW Station) acts as a bridge between BC and peripherals (e.g. receipt printer, cash drawer, and A920 card machine).

1) Go to "C:\LSRetail\setup\", then run "Hardware Station.exe".


If "C:\LSRetail" not available, check appendix to install LS Central.

2)  Accept the agreement

3) Enable “Start Service” after installation, Automatic Start, and Install CCO. Then click next.

4) Go to http://localhost:8088/ to add hardware peripherals, e.g. receipt printer, cash drawer, and card machine.

Remark: Practice to setup HW Station

Recommend to set unique ID for each device. (naming pattern example $deviceName-receiptPrinter)

Required drivers to allow HW Station recognizes printer and drawer.

5) Add Printer:

  1. Select "Create Windows Printer"
  2. Select driver (dedicate driver is needed for the model)
  3. Create device


Restart LS Hardware Station at Service to scan hardware change.

6) Same step for drawer

7) For A920 card machine, please refer to Deployment for API Server (for A920)

Step 8) Map Hardware to POS's BC

After HW Station setup, we required to set it at BC's POS Hardware Profile.

1) Go to BC, and search for "POS Hardware Profile List"

2) Create a new hardware profile, modify the config as below:

EFT part for A920 card machine. (tbc)

GeneralProfileIT-TEST06Same as device name
LS Hardware StationHWST Hostlocalhostno need to change
LS Hardware StationLS Management Portalhttp://localhost:8088/no need to change

EFTHardware Station Host

EFTIP Address

EFTPort Number

EFTTerminal ID



EFTTerminal IP

EFTTerminal Port

EFTTerminal Timeout

POS DrawersIDIT-TEST06-DRAWERmust same with the device ID at HW Station
POS DrawersHardware Station Hostlocalhost:8082
POS PrintersIDIT-TEST06-PRINTERmust same with the device ID at HW Station
POS PrintersHardware Station Hostlocalhost:8082

* EFT represents "Electronic Fund Transfer"

Step 9) Data Director (DD) Installation and Setup

Data Director (DD) is responsible for data sync between Head Office and POS database.

1) Run datadirectorlscentral302146setup.exe at "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\LUSH_POS_Installation\LUSH_POS_Installation\POS". 

2) Enable all option then click next.

3) After Install, run Configuration Tool under LS Retail in Start menu

4) Add POS Host

  • Copy the device name at Setting > System Info.

  • Paste the device name at DD Configuration Tool Host field, then click "Get Config".
  • The Host name (at left list) become green => success

5) Add Head Office (HO) 

  • Host: LUSHBC
  • Then click "Add"

  • Successful result


Keep the fields blank in POS and Head Office at the DD Configuration Tool.

If cannot get config form LUSHBC, go to appendix (4) to solve

Step 10) Create another instance for Distribution Location and Data Director (DD)

Create a new instance that linked the POS's database. The instance use NavUserPassword to login, not Windows login.

1) Open Business Central Administration Shell (with admin right). Then run the command to create another instance (name: BC230_N).

New-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance BC230_N -ManagementServicesPort 9000 -ClientServicesPort 9001 -SOAPServicesPort 9002 -ODataServicesPort 9003 -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName Lush_LSBC


If Lush_LSBC database running other from default instance, append database instance parameter with "-DatabaseInstance $DB_Instance_Name" at the end of command.

2) Create web server instance and modify config. Then start the instance to effect changes.

New-NAVWebServerInstance -WebServerInstance BC230_N -Server 'localhost' -ServerInstance BC230_N -SiteDeploymentType Subsite -WebSitePort 8080 
Set-NAVWebServerInstanceConfiguration -WebServerInstance BC230_N -KeyName 'ClientServicesPort' -KeyValue 9001
Set-NAVWebServerInstanceConfiguration -WebServerInstance BC230_N -KeyName 'ManagementServicesPort' -KeyValue 9000

Start-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance BC230_N


If the instance or web server instance fail to run, you can check the error logs at Event Viewer.

Step 11) Distribution Location Setup

1) Click the magnifier icon then search “Distribution Location List”

2) Setup both Distribution location web services with the following:

HO Head Office Store Location (eg S106)
Distribution ServerLUSHBC<Store PC Name>
WS Distribution Serverhttp://localhost/DDWebService
Company NameLUSH ASIA TEST (question)
User IDdduser<database SQL authentication username>

Db Server Namelocalhostlocalhost
Db. Path & NameBC_SIT (question)<database name>
Driver TypeSQLSQL
Net Typetcptcp
Web Server
Web Server Computer NameLUSHBC
Web Server Port7086
Web Server Company NameLUSH ASIA TEST (question)
Web Server Auth TypeBasic
Web Service User Namewebservice
Web Server Password

3) In POS machine, Go to "Web Service Setup" , Under "Server", set:

Server Computer NameLUSHBC
Company NameLUSH ASIA Test(?)
Server Port7086

Under "Client Credentials" (This username should be in BC "User")

Http Authentication Basic
User namewebservice
Password(web service key, not password)

Press "Web Request 2.0", press "Publisher" and "Subscriber" button

Disable Void Slip in LS Central

  1. In POS Terminal Card, select the terminal, disable void slip.

Deployment procedure for LushBC


Appendix 1) Install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SQL Studio)

1) Run "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\LUSH_POS_Installation\LUSH_POS_Installation\MSSQL Server Management Studio\SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe"

2) Use the default parameters, then click next.

3) Restart the computer if required.

Continue to restore database.

Appendix 2) Install LS Central

1) Go to "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\LUSH_POS_Installation\LUSH_POS_Installation\POS\LS Central 23"

2) Run "w1_ls_central_23-0-0-0.exe" to install

3) Use the default configuration. Then click Next.

Continue back to Install Hardware Station

Appendix 3) Solve dual display window not shown when run POS

1) In browser, allow to pop-up windows for localhost BC (below pic is the example for Edge)

Appendix 4) Connectivity to LUSHBC for Data Director (DD)

1) Open command prompt to ping LUSHBC          *case insensitive

2) If you cannot ping LUSHBC

Edit the host file with notepad, that locates at "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"

Add one line to refer LUSHBC server IP as below pic. Then save.

3) Ping LUSHBC again to test connectivity.

Continue to setup DD Config Tool