Identify the "Y Zone" Grouping Criteria
Please refer to the document for the details of mIn setup
Job Queue for regularly grouping the Y Zone documents
The Job Queue process
1) For Y Zone group Picking, the Pick Entry to be create according to the Job Queue.
2) Once the Job Queue is run successfully. The Pik Entry for Group to be created and the group to be included the document it matched with the criteria for the Customer and Item combination.
In Pick List, Order Type Group use for indicating the Y Zone group. The Document No. structure is Y00+delivery date +the day it group the entry. The grouping is per delivery date. for example, delivery date is Dec 19, 2024 and the job queue is run at Dec 17, the Document no, to be Y00241219.17
Assumption: the job queue is to be run on a daily basis
3) The Entry No, for the Document to be find in Pick Line Table
4) Back-end table "Pick Group Line" (T50069)
You can use the Pick Line Entry No. to find in Pick Header Table to see which document is included in the group. System Admin can use Configuration Package to export the data from the table.
Process for Y Zone Group Picking
1) Create and release the Delivery Note for the customer/item it matched with the Y Zone Criteria
2) Pick List - once the Job Queue is run. the pick line for Y Zone is created in Pick List
3) Assign Picker (optional) - click Edit List action button then select picker in "Assigned Picker" field
4) Pick Goods
When the assigned picker login to mIn and select Y zone, the document to be shows for "Group Picking"
5) Preview Packing Staus
Option 1 - Preview in Pick List - Column Completed Time - Packing is not completed yet if "Completed Time" is "blank"
Option 2 - Preview in Truck Journal - Column Zones - Packing is not completed yet if Zone is show in (Bracket)
6) Packing
Enter Pick No.(1) for the Group Picking. Related documents to be shows on the screen (2), user can preview the item and remarks for selected document in the tab below (3)
Enter the number of Carton for each document (4). Print the label for each document (5)
IMPORTANT NOTE: User must complete the label printing before close the screen
10) Preview Packing Staus after Packed
Option 1 - Pick List - the completed time is updated according to the time it completed the Packing
Option 2 - Truck Journal - the column Zone
11) Reprint Label