Setup Purchase & Payable Configuration and No. Series for Purchase Related Documents


Setup Information


Key Configuration

  • Discount Posting
  • Ext. doc. No. Mandatory 

Number Series

Configuration for number series it use for the Purchase documents
Discount Posting Options and Description



No Discount

BC will not post discounts separately but instead will subtract the discount before posting. Therefore, you will not see the discount amount in the Chart of Accounts

Invoice Discounts

BC will post the invoice discount and the invoice amount simultaneously. The program uses the invoice discount account that you have entered in the Sales Inv. Disc. Account field in the General Posting Setup table. You will be able to see the discount amount in the chart of accounts

Line Discounts

BC will post the line discount and the invoice amount simultaneously. The program uses the line discount account that you have entered in the Sales Line Disc. Account field in the General Posting Setup table. You will be able to see the discount amount in the chart of accounts

All Discounts

BC will post invoice and line discounts at the same time as it posts the invoice amount. The program will use the invoice discount account number that you have entered in the Sales Inv. Disc. Account field and the line discount account number in the Sales Line Disc. Account field in the General Posting Setup table. You will be able to see both discount amounts in the chart of accounts.

Please click the link below for more details on Purchase & Payable Setup

Overview of Tasks to Set Up Purchasing - Business Central | Microsoft Docs